Monday, December 18, 2017

Blog 2(If you don’t read then your a fool)

I would give this book a 7/10 because it wasn’t really my type of book but overall it was great. There was a twist and it was bascially about a young girl named April who disappeared. The whole town was worried but one brave soul which was Theo, gathered his friends to help find her. Meanwhile the police found a wanted criminal named Leeper was finaly caught but he stated knew where April was apparently. Should they believe him or should they leave their faith to themselves. I would recommend this book to people who like crime and mystery, now go read this book and tell me what you think!

Monday, November 27, 2017

Plague(There is no cure for unloving this book)

The book I just finished was called Plague by Michael Grant. If I had to rate this book I would rate it 5/5. I would recommend this book to people who like action and little bit of action. This book was basically about a group of kids who are stranded in an island called Perdido beach. It’s has been 8 months since all the adults disappeared. The water situation was becoming critical and they had to search for more water. During that and evil darkness Drake escaped which let to chaos. When they try  to stop him an unexpected person defines himself as king and will save them all. There is betrayal and at the end an unexpected hero saves them all. Have fun reading this book!                                          

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Poems and Novels...................

Not everything always end will but there will always be surprises. There are a lot of connections in the poem and the novel.The connection of the Outsiders and the poem What love isn’t is the theme. The theme was to Love who you have, they will not always be with you and to stay who you are and don’t change because your broke down, change because you have to. It states in the poem that “It isn’t always a 5 star stay” It has a connection that the people you love aren’t always going to be with you, it isn’t always going be perfect. Not all you parents are going to be nice and no things are never going to be easy and not everyone is going to stay with you. When pony parents died he only has his parents left and he only had th gang left and when Johnny died the scared one, the one who is scared of his own shadow dies. Dally died the cold blooded mean though mean guy was so mean and when Johnny had died he snapped and that says a lot about us people. Love is not until the end. You could never ever stop loving you parents and you will love them to day you pass away. You don’t just love a person a little bit, you just lost your feelings for them. You won’t hate your brother for something he did to you but you will love him now until the end. When Pony and Darry got into a fight that didn’t make them brothers anymore more but they just hurt each other and at the end they will always be brothers. Just because of that situation they didn’t hate each other and that they will always love each other. In the end they are always will be brothers and love each other from now on.When Pony and Darry got into a fight that didn’t make them brothers anymore more but they just hurt each other and at the end they will always be brothers. Just because of that situation they didn’t hate each other and that they will always love each other. In the end they are always will be brothers and love each other from now on. These are some connections to the poem.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Likes And Dislikes

That I'm Adrian Abarca and I'm 13 and my life isn't that great and that might sound a little cold hearted which I am but I just  don't like anything in general ecexpt... my sister and that's pretty much it. My favorite color is black. My favorite food is anything that tastes good I don't have a favorite. That my hobbies are go home, eat,practice piano then go to sleep and that's pretty much it. I don't like dogs but if my mind changes I will for sure get a husky. I don't like anything in particular. The last thing I would like to mention is that I really don't like reading but I kinda like writing. That wraps it up and that one thing I hate is forced to do things I don't want to do(Like this for example) No I'm just joking around.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Life has its greatest moments but this one was mine

The greatest moment of my life was when my sister was born, even some people might want just to be the only child but I think differently. That I remember that moment when my dad said to me its a girl, I never wanted a brother ever like I would rather have a dog.. and I hate dogs! The feelings of haveing a sister is amazing and that's probably the happiest moment of my life when I got to see her little cute face.  That her name is Lucy and currently she is 4 months old and around late Aug she was
baptized. When it was over we threw a little party for her and it wasn't that great, kinda boring and just not crazy.                                                                                                                                                 After it was over everybody started to go to sleep. That currently she is teething which I hate because she goes through a lot pain. That she is the best thing that ever happened to me and that I'm only going to see her for like 5 years until I go to college and hardly see her and who knows if it's out of state? So that pretty much wraps everything up and that my step mom and dad are planning to have kids, I just hope that I have another sister.:)

Thursday, September 7, 2017

10 Years from now...

In 10 years I will be in law school trying to get a masters degree and if that's successful I will try to work at the District Attorney office(If that's possible). During that time I will probably go to NYC and live in apartment but I will be living alone with a dog but probably a short hair. That I don't want anybody in my life yet because I don't want to deal with if things don't work out, that would just be too stressful and even if things worked out I would have to deal with dates, moving in or out, getting married and having kids.                                                                                                                                If becoming a lawyer doesn't work out then I'll become a detective and just put those killers behind bars! That probably after awhile I will just probably have my main carrer being as detective or ill just figure out what I want in a while. That and in my free time I will probably practice on piano(I love piano) but I know for sure that I will never teach ever in my life. That wraps up everything that I will do in 10 years and there are millions of others people who have different ideas, different taste but we will all have a path that eventually leads us some where. The path we take is on the choices we chose.